Exploring the World of Orchestral Music

Dear Horizon Science Academy Dayton Downtown Community,


We are thrilled to announce an exciting educational event that will immerse our young scholars in the enchanting world of orchestral music. On September 25th, students from grades 2, 3, and 4 will have the extraordinary opportunity to participate in "Orchestra and You," an engaging hands-on audiovisual introduction to the orchestra.


Hosted by dedicated volunteers from the esteemed Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra, this event is designed to prepare our students for a live performance, fostering an appreciation for the artistry and talent that bring music to life. The experience promises to be both educational and inspiring, offering a glimpse into the rich history and diverse instruments that comprise an orchestra.


- Interactive Learning: Through a combination of visuals and interactive demonstrations, students will gain a deeper understanding of the orchestra's components, from strings and woodwinds to brass and percussion.


- Musical Journey: This immersive experience will transport students into the heart of orchestral music, allowing them to explore the distinctive sounds and melodies that each instrument contributes to a symphony.


- Preparation for "Peter and the Wolf": This event serves as a perfect precursor to our upcoming excursion to the Dayton Masonic Center on February 29th, where our students will have the privilege of witnessing a live performance of "Peter and the Wolf," a beloved orchestral composition.


We encourage all parents and guardians to take part in the conversation about this event with their children, encouraging questions and curiosity about the world of music. Following the event, we will be sharing pictures that capture the joy and wonder that this experience is sure to inspire.


At Horizon Science Academy Dayton Downtown, we believe in providing our students with diverse and enriching educational experiences that extend beyond the classroom. "Orchestra and You" is a testament to our commitment to nurturing a well-rounded education, and we are grateful to the Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra for their generous contribution to our community.


We look forward to witnessing the impact of this event on our students and hope it sparks a lifelong love for music and the arts. Together, we can inspire a new generation of music enthusiasts and creative thinkers.
