Success Stories

1. I think that Horizon Science Academy was built here for children like us to come together and be friends, have fun and meet new nice teachers like you and for us to learn a new thing every day here at Horizon. I like Horizon because teachers are nice to me and I have friends and those friends are nice to me, as I am nice to them, and people are respectful, caring, and nice. I am in 3rd grade. I am in Mrs. McNutt’s class and it’s not just about winning it’s about caring. – Abigayle Sweet
2. My daughter is doing better in Horizon. She is making new friends and always doing her homework. I am glad that my daughter goes to H.S.A. Downtown. She enjoys everything. – Parent (Anonymous)
3. I am very happy for my daughter Dilak We made the right choice to let her go to this school. She has improved so much, that no one would ever believe it. When she started school she didn’t know English, now she speaks almost full English. I’m very thankful to her teachers and the administration and staff, because they did everything they could to help her improve this much. I would really recommend this school to many people. – Parent of Dilak
4. We like this school because I like all the staff and it’s FUN In Horizon Science Academy. If anyone is looking for a school come to Horizon Science Academy because it is a nice school. I like the small classes and I learn a lot because there are good teachers that want us to go to college and they are very nice. We all at Horizon CARE, C- cooperate, A- act responsible, R- respect others, E- encourage others. Mr. Matt the principal is very nice and our Horizon Science Academy is a good school.
5. I think the Horizon Science Academy is a good school because it has lots of nice and wonderful teachers. It has important rules at school. Also, there are many helpful after school activities. For example there is Karate, science club, modeling club, and much more. It helps students to get better at things they need help with. Also, students get to have fun with the activities and do the sports they like.
6. I’m beyond impressed with the quality of learning my son is receiving from Horizon. He’s definitely excelling way beyond what I’m sure he would in a public school. The teachers and staff at Horizon Have been more than accommodating to my own busy schedule and financial needs. My sons attitude has definitely improved 100% since attending. I would and have recommended Horizon Science Academy Downtown to any parent looking for a wonderful and caring school for their children. Thanks and keep up the great work.
7. This is the first year my son has attended Horizon Science Academy. Every time you enter the school you are greeted with a smiling face and a hello. You get a real sense of being welcomed. I am very impressed with the school. It means a lot to me that the staff is so caring and concerned with my son’s education and his success. Mrs. Zellmer, Mrs. Sparks, Mrs. Williamson and Ms. Frei are exceptional people. My son enjoys going to Horizon Science Academy Downtown, I feel it is the best place for him.
8. I am the mother of Rodderk and Ra’Neck Satterwhite. Let me start off by saying this is their first year attending Horizon Science Academy. Before enrolling my kids in to the school, I read articles and pamphlets about how Horizon focuses on math and science. They have a high graduation rate and help prep the kids for college. I want my kids and all kids to know no matter where you come from or how much money you have, you can accomplish anything. The sky is the limit. Horizon is helping me with that. I can see change in my kids learning and grades. They come home with more and willing to do their homework. Rodderek and Ra’neka share with me that they receive one on one help when needed. My kids tell me how they can stay back from lunch for extra tutoring to help in subject where he or she may be struggling if they’re not able to stay after school. Taking my children out of the Dayton Public Schools setting has helped my kids. Theres smaller class room settings. They are learning to adapt with kids and adults from a different culture and speak different languages. My kids are learning to speak Spanish. I love how everyone is being taught a second language. When a child gets in trouble, the teachers sit down and talk to the children so that they will be able to figure out what the problem/situation may be so that they can resolve it. If they’re unable to resolve the situation they will notify the parent and together we will find a way to solve the problem. Rodderek and Ra’neka tell s me how much they like the school and how the school has a different approach to teaching. My kids also share with me that teachers are fair for the most part. That is always a plus. When the teachers are fair I feel it’s easier for the parents and teacher to have a good relationship due to the fact. The teachers look at the situations over all and decide what to do to make the problem go away. And not favor a child for special reasons. I think we all agree that each child should be treated fair and equal. We want our children to excel to the fullest. The school and teachers encourage the students to work hard and explore their talent. Everybody is somebody. – Tameka Wills, Parent
9. Think before you act! There comes a point in time in your life when you get tired of searching and researching for schools to send all of your children to without any hassles. Well welcome to the real world families. I have a particular school that has changed my life for every in so little time. The school is Horizon Science Academy and when I tell you the reason why I feel this is an excellent school you are going to have no doubts or regrets when you transfer schools. For example, my daughter was in Dayton Public Schools she was below her average for the age and the grade. My child did not know any colors, numbers or letters. I had gotten so frustrated with the whole situation it’s like every meeting was unresolved situations. One day my daughter had did the last thing she could handle and she got suspended again. Well I had been so tired of all of the meetings and all the teachers telling me she might not learn no time sooner the things she needed to know. I pulled all of my children out of DPS immediately and sent them to Horizon Science Academy. Within the first year it was a really hard struggle with her behavior and her grades at Horizon Science. I had gotten frustrated with that school as well. I would say within that same year my daughter was coming home with all kinds of good grades and bringing me to the table showing me her letters and her numbers and she learned how to spell cat, hat, bat, etc. The reason I was so excited and very proud of my school is because she was 9 years old in the 4th grade and I couldn’t understand what was going on but I know now that there is not just one (1) teacher that you can say is there for your children. All of the teachers at Horizon are there for all students and I thank them for being there to teacher my daughter and myself that we have to be patient and all of us has to communicate and come together with a plan and show the student they can do whatever they put their minds to. Now I have another reason for Horizon being #1 in my opinion. All 5 of my children attend, my 11th grader was falling behind in DPS is now doing what he needs to do to pass and be able to select a school with a scholarship. My 12th grader is in a lot of activities with the school. My 7th grader is a Horizon model, she does yearbook, she is in student council, and she has been on Honor Roll since I enrolled my children. They were really falling behind in their work while enrolled in the DPS system. I believe that the different teaching strategies and the hard work and dedication the teachers at Horizon gives to every single student shows and makes the difference between schools. My child that I had all the problems with is now 11 years and is on Honor Roll with As and Bs and she’s really reading at a good level considering where she came from. That is just a few good reasons that make me keep my children at Horizon Science Academy, not to mention all the after schools programs and tutoring for your children to get the one on one they need if class is too busy. I must go for now but remember the following when enrolling your child /children in to a school. Is my child really getting all she can get out of her school educational wise, extracurricular wise, tutoring, services, respect, family oriented, just think and I will see you soon. – Tracey Grigsby, Parent
10. In the summer of 2010 I received some bad news. My son’s school was closing. I was frantic not knowing where I was going to send him. I really did not want him to attend a Dayton Public School. I started to see signs in my neighborhood about Horizon. I added it to my list of schools to call and get information on. I happened to be sitting on my porch when two gentlemen came by with a pamphlet about Horizon. I read it over and over. I showed it to my son and asked him if he wanted to go check the school out. He was not too sure about it but we went. We walked over to the school. I can remember that day clearly. We walked into the trailer and right away we were greeted with smiling faces and hellos. We watched the video and took the application home to fill out. I asked my son what he thought. He looked at me and said “I really want to go there, those ladies were nice.” After hearing that, I hurried and filled out eh application. We walked back over to turn the application in. Ms. Frei and Mrs. Zellmer again greeted us with smiles and remembered my son’s name. That made such an impression on my son. I knew then that was the school for him. I never did call about any of the other schools. The school year started and I found out my son was not up to grade level. I was told and reassured he would get the help he needed. I was so pleased. The teachers and staff were excellent. The teachers care so much not only about the students in their class, but about every student who attends there. They go above and beyond to make the school environment not just educational, but fun for the kids. The activities they have and the incentives they give the kids, I know for a fact have made my son want to go to school everyday! This is Anthony’s second year at Horizon. I do not have anything negative to say. We are still greeted with those same smiling faces and hellos, and Anthony still gets the help that I was reassured he would get. Words cannot say how thankful I am to Mrs. Williamson, Mrs. Sparks, Ms. Brewer, Ms. Kent and Ms. Rummel for being a part of these positive experiences. I am as please as I was the year that he started attending Horizon. I could not ask for a better environment for my son to be in, and Anthony has continued his growth as a motivated young man and student. Horizon is a great neighborhood school and cares about the success of each and every student who attends. For every parent invested in their child’s educational and personal growth, I would highly recommend.
11. Why you should choose horizon schools. My name is Christopher Slaght and my children attend Horizon Science Academy Dayton South. The school is an Award winning Blue Ribbon environment through Concept Schools. Horizon Science Academy Dayton South is a very family oriented school. The staff provides a lot of activities to include the entire family and neighborhood. The staff at the school time and time again has gone above and beyond the call of duty to help their students and the student’s families. The staff is an excellent group of people who are willing to help out as much as they can as often as they can. I decided to send my kids to Horizon Science Academy Dayton South because; the school has won the Blue Ribbon in education for charter schools. Being a charter school Horizon Science Academy Dayton South knows and implements a better teacher to student ratio. I love the smaller class room sizes; it makes for a much better learning experience. The school excels in Science, Math, and Technology. By their focusing on a higher standard of curriculum is how they prepare their students for high school and college. Horizon Science Academy has a lot of family events through the year as well. The field trips are not just for the student but the parents also. Trust me they are fun and they are a great way to meet and interact with the teachers and staff from the school. We have been to Cincinnati Zoo, Boonshoft Museum, Toms Corn Maze, Cosi Museum of Discovery and so much more. Each year gets better and better at the school. All children are permitted to go on field trips regardless if the child has the money the day of the field trip. The staff will give the money to the child and allow the parents to return the money to the staff member. Even as a new school the teachers and staff have exceeded my expectations. My daughter’s teacher has emailed me to let me know how she is doing every week. She has sent me texts and called when she has performed well in class or if there was a concern that she wanted to talk to us about. I like those little things it makes me feel involved in my child’s education like my kids have a second home not just a place to go to school. I would like to say Thank You to the Horizon Science Academy Dayton South School for the education that my children are receiving and making me a part of that education. Thank You. – Christopher Slaght, Parent
12. I want to take this opportunity to inform you of a wonderful school called Horizon Science Academy Dayton South which is conveniently located in the historic East side of Dayton. The school is housed in what was formally East Dayton’s Holy Family Catholic Primary School. Horizon Science Academy Dayton South provides bus transportation to students who live too far to walk. Horizon Science Academy Dayton South has been around for a few years now and has very high marks for education, attendance, and graduation ratio’s. Horizon Science Academy Dayton South school is an Award winning Blue Ribbon environment through Concept Schools. My children love this school and never want to miss a day! They enjoy the positive and supportive learning environment and look forward to each day’s new experience. The school is very active in the community and encourages students and parents to get involved as families. Horizon Science Academy Dayton South encourages family involvement through planned field trips, various fundraisers and school festivals. Family is very important to Horizon Science Academy Dayton South and family activities are encouraged. Horizon Science Academy Dayton South also has extracurricular activities for all students. They offer intramural sports programs, including basketball, soccer, volleyball, and cross-country. In addition, there are also after-school clubs such as drama, chess, cheerleading/dance, orchestra, and Spanish. The school will be able to provide you with more information on the extracurricular activities. I feel Horizon Science Academy Dayton South provides a great educational opportunity for our children as well as for the entire family. My family also enjoys the cultural diversity. Horizon Science Academy Dayton South is a melting pot of families from all different types of social and ethnic backgrounds. Again, welcome to the neighborhood! I encourage you to visit Horizon Science Academy Dayton South and see how your family might benefit from our favorite school. – Kindest Regards, Anna Slaght, Parent
13. Dear Neighbors I know you are new to the area and trying to decide which school would be best for your children to attend. Might I just explain my child’s experience at Horizon Science Academy? Well, it all started when my cousin told me which school she chose for her two children. She explained how wonderful the teachers were and how to her children. She explained how wonderful the teachers were and how her children loved school so much! I got to see firsthand how much they had learned in Horizon since leaving their old school. They could now read, do math, memorize spelling words, even talk in Spanish and so much more! I was so amazed in their results; I decided to have my son also attend Horizon Science Academy. My son has been at Horizon for about three months now and I couldn’t be more pleased with the results I’ve seen so far. He is learning how to read solve math problems, write, sing songs in English and Spanish and so much more! He loves learning Spanish and learning how to use computers. Horizon has also taught my son great communication skills and the values of helping others. I love how interactive Horizon is with every student and they are also very family oriented They are teaching the children great dress code and giving all the children great opportunities for college preparation and much more. In my opinion, Horizon Science Academy is a great choice for parents to choose for their children because no other school provides so many opportunities for every child to be successful in all of their life’s goals. I personally think you choose Horizon Science Academy as your children’s school, you would be pleased tremendously on the outcome. It is just so beneficial! Well, I want to thank you for taking the time to hear my child’s success. I hope to see you and your children join the excitement of learning at Horizon Science Academy! – Sincerely, Rebecca Copeland, Parent
14. Horizon Science Academy is an excellent school. I feel that my children are really being challenged to think critically . Last year my children attended another school and they would come home and say, “mommy, my work was easy today. I already know everything from last year”. They were not being challenged to really think and resolve new problems. My daughter had been having difficulties with math and just wasn’t getting the help that she needed at her previous school. Since coming to Horizon Science Academy her teachers have gotten her caught up to the correct math level and she is very excited and happy to do her arithmetic problems. Before she would be stressed and frustrated and now because of the great sacrifices of the teachers at horizon, she can breathe easy. Horizon Academy offers extra tutoring after school in addition to programs that are designed to bring out the skills already embedded in our children and I call it polished potential. I just moved to Dayton last year and had been searching for a good school where they would be progressing and learning new things everyday! At Horizon you know that the teachers are there for more than just a paycheck. Their patience and devotion to our children make me grateful to them. I have never experienced a school like it before. Our children are encouraged to raise their hands and are called upon to give feedback on areas/topics the teacher is focusing on. They are preparing them for college. When my kindergartener was in preschool he cried all the time to come home. He just didn’t care for the school, and now he is thriving at Horizon. He absolutely loves school! His reading is excellent. He is learning and spelling and always smiling when he comes home because he had a great day. His learning exceeds my expectations and his smile says it all. We were so excited when we learned our youngest was accepted into kindergarten early at Horizon. His birth date would not allow him to start early else where. Horizon Science Academy…So far so good! – The Harding family
15. Dear Neighbor, I heard that you might be looking for a new school to send your child(ren) to. Well there is a great school called Horizon Science Academy. It has been in the neighborhood for about two years. The school is great. Here are just a few things the school offers their students. 1. An education. 2. Small class sizes for better concentration. 3. During and after school programs such as art, Taekwondo, gardening, field trips, and modeling. 4. It’s a bilingual school so your child could learn another language, like Spanish or Turkish. 5. The school has a great daily schedule put together for each grade level K-7. Horizon Science Academy is a uniform school so it makes buying school clothes easier. The school building is a monitored and secured building so that you and your child(ren) will feel and be safe at all time. The school is within walking distance, but they will offer your child(ren) transportation to and from school. Horizon Science Academy also has events that the parents can teachers can do together for the child(ren) like; the fall festival you can plan and organize gatherings, fieldtrips, reward party’s and more. Doesn’t that sound like fun? Let me tell you a little about why I’m so fond of Horizon Science Academy. I have a thirteen year old daughter who is now in the seventh grade. She went all through elementary school being labeled as a problem child. She didn’t want to attend school and she didn’t do her school work. Her class size was twenty to twenty-five students in a class and only one teacher, so I enrolled my daughter in at Horizon Science Academy and within the first year she brought up her grades. She enjoys going to school and she gets along with the teachers and students. Now she will and knows that she can become someone productive in life because the teachers and staff helped her to focus on getting her education. Your child(ren) will have this same excitement that my child has learned to have while attending this remarkable school. The principal and the teachers can be reached any time during schools hours to that you can check on your child(ren) progress. You will watch your child(ren) succeed, just consider our local neighborhood school and your can watch our neighborhood come back to life. Your child(ren) will thank you when they graduate. Thank you so much. – Mrs. Swinford, Parent
16. Dear Neighbors, I understand that being new to the area and trying to decide the best school to enroll your children into can be frustrating and confusing. With so many options around, researching facts and figures is tedious and, usually, uninformative. I am writing to inform you, from one parent to another, about a fantastic educational institution called Concept Schools. Concept Schools are in a unique class of their own. Genuine, caring teachers and staff, educational and fun after school clubs and programs, and extremely diverse and multi cultural student body and staff, and a focus on higher curriculum and moral integrity are a recipe for high success. Being a smaller institution, the teachers spend more one on one time with each child. They also offer before and after school tutoring and exciting incentives for doing well in their studies. Before enrolling my daughter into concept schools, she had decent grades, but no excitement or eagerness to learn. Since going to their school, her grades have improved even more, and she is excited to go to school every day. She has a high desire to achieve her goals and is even talking about wanting to go to Harvard for law school! Only being in seventh grade, she is taking a foreign language, has been chosen for an elite club that travels, is involved in art club and a club that is teacher her how to model. All of these activities are either free or have a very small fee. Concept Schools are not only focused on education, but are as equally focused on the safety and welfare of each student. This is evident by the video cameras that are fed into a large monitor in the office that allows the staff to watch every hallway and outside door. Without being unlocked by an electronic lock system, no one can enter the school, but are able to leave freely. Concept Schools also contracts a private bus to transport the students to and from school. I implore you to take a tour of the school, interview some of the staff, and talk to other parents of some students. I am confident that you will find that concept schools are unique and the best option for your children’s education. Sincerely, – -Melissa Watkins Mother of Skylar Watkins.
17. To Whom It May Concern: Prior to this school year my children attended a school in the Dayton area. My children were getting in to trouble in and out of school. They were earning grades that were on the lower side, and said they were never going to college and could not wait to be out of school. Now my children are attending concept schools. They love going to school every day and talk about going to college. Their behavior is better than I could have hoped for. Their grades improved tremendously. Concept schools have been amazing with my children not only with their education but also with teaching them how to be respectable young adults. The staff will stay after school or come in early to tutor the children that are struggling. Concept schools offer several after school activities and events that help parents stay involved in their child education. Concept schools offer these activities at little or no cost so energy child has the chance to participate and no one is left out. When a member of the staff sees a child having difficulties, whether at school or home, they take the time to talk to that child and offer any help that is in the ability. Every staff member treats each child with respect and they talk to our children, not through them. The staff at Concept Schools have high expectations for our children and they put in their time and effort to help our children meet these expectations. After seeing the positive changes in my children, I could not imagine sending my children to any other school. Concept schools realize that teaching our children is more than a job. They are planning for our future because our children are our future. With the improvements that Concept Schools make in our children’s lives now, image what they could do for our children, our future, with the help from a grant. That is why I believe that concept schools deserve to win this grant competition. – Valeria Maskrey Mother of Rylan Stamper Timothy Stamper
18. I love this school because I feel they teach my three children everything they have to know. My children have attended other schools but Horizon is my favorite and it is also my children’s favorite school. The school is neat and clean. I also appreciate the fact that they serve beef products at their school and not pork to respect our religious and cultural beliefs. I love the secretary, Ms. Rita, because she is always so helpful when I come into the office, whether it is a question, a bus issue, buying school shirts or to simply help me find my children when I need to pick them up. I say “thank you” to the director, Mr. Matt for accepting my three children. My children are learning so much at Horizon and I want them to continue to learn more. Because of Horizon may children are getting 100′s!!
19. To the Generous Business People of Dayton, I know that there are wealthy people, business men and women in Dayton area who are caring and concerned about education of our youngsters. I’m hearing from the news that the business people overall are having difficult time to find skilled workers and therefore, they are willing to support schools to end this problem in the near future. This being the case, I strongly recommend them the Horizon Schools to make their donations or to give out their grants. My son’s school, Horizon Science, is the school that emphasizes Science and Math in their curriculum, organizes science fairs and competitions; I have no doubt that these activities will make the students get interested in science, math and technology. Hopefully, they will be engineers and skilled workers that America needs the most. Horizon School has been a hope in our neighborhood. I move the school’s neighborhood few years ago. Before the school took over an abandoned building, the people in the school area were losing their hope. But, after Horizon school opened up, people started to move into the neighborhood. The school has become a hope for us all. It’s better and safer now. I’m glad they are here. My son used to know nothing about science and did not care about the school. Now, he wants to go to school every day. He is interested in school and science. I’m hoping that he will go to a good college and make me proud of him. Horizon school does all these good stuff with limited resources. I want to use these opportunity to call out again the people around who can help the school with their grants and donations. I want you support us, support our kids at Horizon and support Dayton downtown neighborhood. – Akhmad Shavkatov Horizon Parent
20. This letter is being provided for your thoughtful consideration of Horizon Science Academy of Dayton, location at 121 S. Monmouth Street, Dayton, Ohio 45403; to receive the grant award. As a parent of three children, ages 22, 11, and one 5 year old whom is a Kindergarten student at Horizon Science Academy, I know the necessity as well as difficulty of providing a high quality education to our youth. What must be stated is that quality education consists of more than educators, curriculum, or textbooks. Quality education also implements and uses the tools, resources, and programs necessary to ensure a quality education. At Horizon Science Academy, parents, educators, as well as administration recognize this necessity and do their utmost to provide where needed. Whether it be for after school programs such as tutoring, volunteering for school related events such as field trips or fundraising, state of the art technologies, assisting with the purchase of uniforms, or even taking from their own pockets to help ensure that students receive vital supplies and resources that might not otherwise be available. Unfortunately, these large hearts do not usually match with small pocketbooks. To be awarded this grant would help ensure that our elementary students receive the maximum education experience, tools, resources, and programs necessary to prepare them for the higher demands of middle and high school, and eventually college. What we input into our youth at this early and critical stage of development will ultimately determine the output, and the rewards of our efforts now will be both endless as well obvious late. In conclusion, I wish to thank the members of the Jury for their thoughtful consideration of Horizon Science Academy of Dayton to receive the grant award. Please help our hearts match our pocketbooks. Thank you Sincerely, – Angela R. Winert Mother of Kindergarten Student – Horizon Science Academy of Dayton.
21. Horizon Science Academy Dayton Downtown is a great school. There are great teachers and my girls have met many friends. I like the after school tutoring and clubs that are offered. I also like the rewards assemblies they have at the end of each grading period. Students are awarded for honor roll, perfect attendance and recognized for good behavior. My children are getting a good education at Horizon. They take Concept tests every quarter and I like the fact that they reward the students with something small for passing the tests. Last year students that passed the OAA’s got to go to Kings Island. It was something to look forward to and it motivated my children to work hard and study. They have a new program this year called Produce One and my girls get healthy snacks two or three times a week. It is always fresh fruits or vegetables. It is good to see my children excited and wanting to go to school each day to learn. I would recommend Horizon to my neighbors and friends.
22. Attention all parents with children in the school grades K-7th. If you haven’t already heard about the new school that opened last year, then you will definitely want to know the facts about Horizon Science Academy. I, myself, am a mother of three children attending Horizon and of all the schools my children have attended, I give a thumbs up to Horizon. They faculty at this school is unbelievable. They dedicate a lot of time to each and every child. To ensure they are all receiving the best education possible. Not to mention they make education fun. And we all know that’s very important to keep our child’s mind on their goals. I personally struggled with a child that refused to go to school. I can honestly say since I enrolled my child in Horizon I have not had that problem. My child now wakes up early ready to attend and comes home in the evening excited to tell me about the things they learned that day. It makes me so happy to see my child so excited about learning. It’s something I believed I would never see. Other then the wonderful staff this school offers free tutoring, after school programs, wonderful field trips and they make sure to keep parents updated on everything going on with their children. Also, for the kids that need it, they have a counselor that will come and speak to your child on a weekly basis. That is wonderful to have someone for your children to talk to about problems and its right in school. There has been so much improvement in all my children’s grades, attitudes, and I know I owe it all to this wonderful school and the people in it. There is so much more to be said about Horizon Science Academy but my recommendation is to take time and go check it out for yourself. You won’t be disappointed and it’s the best move you could make to ensure your child the education in a warm family like environment they deserve. – Sincerely, Jessica McClendon.
23. Hi, I’m a parent at Horizon Dayton Downtown. My house is in a suburb. I live about five miles from the school. I take my two kids to Horizon School every morning and pick them up on my way back home. I work in downtown Dayton and the school is on my way. It’s convenient to me. I like Horizon for several reasons; • Once my child told me that their motto at school is HORIZON CAREs. She explained that CARE means that Horizon students; “Cooperate, Act responsible, Respect Others, Enjoy and Encourage peers”. To me it meant a lot. I believe the teachers care at Horizon. Whenever I call the office to speak to a teacher I can talk to them at that time if they are free or, I leave a message and they call me back. • After school tutoring and club activities is not something I was able to find at other schools. My kids usually do not need to stay for tutoring but they stay a lot for the clubs and activities. One of my daughters is in both modeling and art club. Her art teacher thought she had potential and asked her to join her advanced art club to improve her skills. They want to exhibit their art work some time at the end of the year at a community center; that makes me very proud of her. • I know most of the schools are cutting elective classes like music, art and foreign language. Horizon school does not do that. They still offer music, art, computer and two foreign languages; Turkish and Spanish. I’m a strong believer of multiculturalism and diversity. The students at Horizon are very diverse. When I go to the parent meetings I see people from different ethnicity; it’s fun getting to know them and talk to them. They seem happy to be at Horizon as well. • I also like the competitions between the concept schools. Last year my daughter missed out by the school’s selection team to send the winners at her Horizon school to another city to compete against other schools. I believe she has learned her lesson and will work harder this year. On the other hand, she was able to go to the Math competition in another city to represent the school. One of the students in their group won the championship in “Game 24” contest. • They did some test last year at the beginning and at the end of the year and sent me the scores; one of my children made a big increase like from 5th grade level to 9th grade level at the end of the year. That was a great jump; I do not know what they have done at the school but I can tell they did something that really worked. My youngest daughter is not meeting my and her teachers’ expectations completely yet. I’m working with her teachers to make sure she has a big improvement at the end of this year like her older sister. Lastly, I can only assume how difficult it might be to open up a new school in a poor area of Dayton with limited resources. I’m hearing in the news that they do not get paid as much as public schools and they also have to pay rent for their building. Again, the public schools do not have to pay rent. I wish there would be more people out there to see what they can achieve with their limited resources and they would be willing to help them to improve their facility and get more materials for our kids. If you are one of those people please do not hesitate to make your donations or approve their grants; I cannot imagine any better place deserving of that. City of Dayton, Horizon school and the students at Horizon need your support; I know from my kids that they will not turn you down. Best regards! – Nadine Kaya, Parent at HSA Dayton Downtown
24. My name is Brittany Wagner and my two children attend Horizon Science Academy. They both wake up excited, ready for school every morning. It makes me happy to see them eager to learn! I wouldn’t choose any other school for their education. Horizon has small class sizes, an advanced curriculum and very dedicated teachers. Their school also provides many after school activities and a tutoring program for students. The small numbers of students in each class helps my kids. My children get a lot of one-on-one attention from their teachers. This time is always helpful. The curriculum is outstanding! My children are reading, learning how to use a computer, and doing science experiments – in kindergarten! The children at Horizon have unlimited opportunities. Tutoring after school helps my family a great deal. As a single mother, it’s pretty hard raising two children on my own. I find myself trying to be supermom at times. The after school activities and tutoring helps children stay busy. They receive extra help in areas that they need and are able to get help with homework. I personally don’t want to do homework every night until 8:00 so I appreciate the help; I think every parent can agree with that. The teachers and staff are truly the best part about Horizon! They are the heart of it all. At the beginning of the school year, I found myself in a financial hardship. I couldn’t afford to pay the school fees. The principal set me up a payment plan. The payments were as low as five dollars a month. He also provided me with two uniform shirts for my children. He did everything in his power to make sure my children wouldn’t miss out. Last year my car broke down and one of the teachers picked my daughter up for school. Once again, I was reassured that Horizon was all about the children. The teachers and staff have gone as far as buying supplies and clothes for their students. To me, Horizon really understands the meaning of being less fortunate and people work together to overcome challenges. I highly recommend Horizon to any parent searching for a school. Without a doubt, Horizon sets a big example of the meaning, “No child left behind.” What better hands to have your children in than the hands of those who treat your children like their own? After all of that, I hope you make the same decision for your children as I did…..Horizon, hands down!
25. Dear Mr. Matt,
This is my first year at Horizon Science Academy. I have Mrs. Sparks for my teacher. She is a good teacher. She teaches the class a lot. I really like going to Mrs. Williamson’s. She is really helping me with my reading. I am glad I go to Horizon. – Sincerely, Anthony Stokes, student
26. Dear Mr. Matt,
I am happy that I am going to come back to Horizon Science Academy. You’re the best principal and you’re a nice principal too. You’re wife is nice too because she teaches us about Europe. I was so happy that you picked. Mrs. McNutt to be our teacher. She is nice, too. She teachers very good and I learn a lot. – Sincerely, Sevda, HSADD student
27. Dear Parents, Staff, and Students, I love Horizon Science Academy because the teachers and students are very respectful. They are responsible and they enjoy and encourage their peers. The staff are very respectful. They would give you a chance to get something right if you got it wrong. If you forgot to do your homework, the teachers will give you another day to do it. Our director, Mr. Matt is very nice and so is our secretary, Ms. Frei. – Murad Aliyev, student
28. I like Horizon Science Academy because I learn and I would not want anything to change. I like Horizon because I learn more stuff that I did not know. – James, HSADD student